I'm kind of tired at all, I mean of crying; of trying; of waiting; of expecting that everything will be right yesterday but the reality is not.
But this month, I got the lessons. People will not always go with their commandments, the one who have the "position" might be wobbly to stand on their own; for some reason.. they might try to take a little more benefits by degrading their principle. It was sad, but it happened to me for several times. And, it was reaaaaally hurt. For sure.
Even I got upset to several relatives who made it funny. Waiting for 5 weeks were being successfully made me loose 5.5 kg dude. Lucky you guys. Please, stop joking for this.
Now, I'm praying to take the grant as the substitution, maybe I would have any job earlier or easier. I believe that everything with hard works & patience would be more beautiful at the end.